About Laith Wallace
Learn a little more about me and my journey

“Not only is Laith an excellent agile Product Designer, but he is also an enigmatic & engaging speaker who really conveys passion for his craft and connects immediately with any audience. Laith is a supreme professional, but also knows how to have a good time!”
Travis Sutherland | EVP of Product DAZN
"What you achieved in a matter of days is just phenomenal, in fact, it was literally a few hours. I am so grateful and feel very overwhelmed with joy right now. You’ve bought my vision to life in ways I couldn’t have even imagined. Thank you so much. My website is AWESOME. 🤗. "
Serena Pascall | CEO TriLife Education
"His personable yet consultative approach makes the seemingly insurmountable achievable. Laith has mastered the art of guiding his clients, colleagues and peers through the maze of UX and web development by breaking down complex obstacles into bitesize deliverables.''"
Dean Bryan | MD Kennis Wiser

Where it all started
Started Freelancing after the recession.
When I graduated I sent out over 400 CV's got less than 10 responses and couldn't find work. So I started freelancing after the recession as a Web Designer as I couldn't get work as a Junior Architect.
It was one of the best things that happened to me as it started me on the journey of learning UX Design studying the work of Jakob Nielsen and Don Norman

Product Designer
Working as a Product Designer with startups and Enterprises in the tech, financial, travel and media industries. Laith has had the pleasure of working with Global brands such as Aviva, Adidas, Orange, Nestle, British Airways to name a few

Started working with a Global VOD brand
Product Design Manager working across multiple platforms from Mobile, Web and Connected Devices. See more on Linkedin

Lead Product Designer iwoca
Lead Product Designer at iwoca serving in the team to build the core product, grow the team, improve user experience and generate more income for the business.

My Latest Works
What People Say - Testimonials
Here are some words from some great people I've had the pleasure of working with.